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Vulnerable Customers Registration Form

Uisce Éireann recognises that some of our customers have different needs when it comes to using our water services and communicating with us due to age, disability or medical conditions.

To look after our vulnerable customers, we have developed a priority and special services register. To register yourself or somebody in your home as a vulnerable customer, please complete the form below.

* are mandatory.

To register for priority or special services, please complete the relevant sections of the below form.

Full name of vulnerable customer

Uisce Éireann will send the vulnerable customer (or their alternative contact) a text message with details of any relevant supply interruption over four hours in duration. Please contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if you would prefer to receive a phone call or do not have a mobile number

Priority services register

Do you wish to register yourself or somebody in your home for priority services (for those critically dependent on water for a medical condition).

Special services register

Services for blind or vision impaired customers

Full name of named customer

Please provide your supply address

Please contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if you do not have your WPRN to hand.

Contact details

Uisce Éireann will send the vulnerable customer (or their alternative contact) a text message with details of any relevant supply interruption over four hours in duration. Please contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if you would prefer to receive a phone call or do not have a mobile number

Account details

Please contact Uisce Éireann on 1800 278 278 if you do not have your account number to hand.

Nominate an alternative contact

If you wish to nominate an alternative person (such as a family member or friend) to deal with your correspondence, or to be contacted about issues with your water supply, please fill in their details below:

Please provide your supply address

Contact details