Water Services Strategic Plan

The Water Services Strategic Plan
The Water Services Strategic Plan (WSSP) presents Uisce Éireann’s objectives for the next 25 years and the means by which we will achieve them. It aligns to requirements set out in the Water Services (No. 2) Act 2013. We published our first Water Services Strategic Plan in 2015 and are now undertaking the process to consult on a draft Water Service Strategic Plan 2050 (WSSP 2050) which will replace the current plan.

Once adopted the new Water Services Strategic Plan 2050 will be an important strategic document that will focus on the provision of safe drinking water and ensure that the environment is protected from the impacts of wastewater discharges. It will also ensure that we have efficient and sustainable modern systems that meet the needs of customers, contribute to economic growth and development, and provide value for money.
It is our responsibility to ensure that all our customers receive a safe and secure supply of drinking water and have their wastewater collected, appropriately treated and returned safely to the environment.
Water Vision 2050 was a comprehensive study undertaken by Uisce Éireann in partnership with external stakeholders and the outputs of this study emphasised the power of foresight in safeguarding Ireland's water future. The Water Vision 2050 Project explored how big change drivers such as climate change, digitisation and environmental challenges might impact on the wider water sector over time. The outcomes of this project have informed our future strategies and plans including the upcoming draft Water Service Strategic Plan 2050. Click to view the stage 1 and stage 2 reports.
Water Services Strategic Plan 2015
The current WSSP was approved by the Minister in 2015 and covers the period from 2015 to 2040. We have now started work towards developing the next WSSP which will cover the period from 2025 to 2050 with the aim of securing the approval of the Minister by the end of 2024. To view the WSSP 2015 documents please see the below.
If you are experiencing any difficulties opening the Water Services Strategic Plan 2050 document, please click on the individual chapters below:
Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Challenges and Priorities
Chapter 3 - Objective: Meet Customer Expectations
Chapter 4 - Objective: Ensure a Safe and Reliable Water Supply
Chapter 5 - Objective: Provide Effective Management of Wastewater
Chapter 6 - Objective: Protect and Enhance the Environment
Chapter 7 - Objective: Support Social and Economic Growth
Chapter 8 - Objective: Invest in Our Future
Environmental Report on the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Draft WSSP
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Statement for the WSSP
Natura Impact Statement in support of the Appropriate Assessment for the WSSP