Strategic Funding Plan
Transforming Water Services Now
The Uisce Éireann Strategic Funding Plan sets out Uisce Éireann's multi-annual strategic funding requirement of €11bn to 2024, comprised of a €6.1bn investment in infrastructure and assets and €4.9bn in operating costs. This funding requirement will be met through a combination of non-domestic revenue, excess usage charges, government subvention, non-domestic borrowings and capital contributions.
The Plan sets out the capital and operational costs expected to be incurred by Uisce Éireann over a multiannual period and how these costs fall to be recovered and will ensure a shared understanding between Government and Uisce Éireann of the broad financial parameters and investment priorities.
The Plan is in line with the new funding model for Uisce Éireann arising from the report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on the Future Funding of Uisce Éireann (April 2017) providing as much funding certainty as possible, in the absence of domestic water charges, and aligning with the cost recovery aspects of the EU Water Framework Directive.

Uisce Éireann's mission
All of our customers should receive a safe and reliable supply of drinking water and have their wastewater collected and safely returned to the environment. We will protect the environment in all our activities and support Ireland's social and economic growth through appropriate investment in Water Services.

This document presents Uisce Éireann's seven-year plan for the period 2015 to 2021. The key objective of this plan is to deliver on the case for reform outlined by Government and to establish a high performing leading national utility. This document sets out the key outcomes which Uisce Éireann, working with our partners, in the Local Authorities will deliver for customers, stakeholders and the Irish economy. The strategy represents the first phase in implementing the vision as defined by the Water Services Strategic Plan (WSSP), which is with the Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government for his approval. This sets out the long-term strategic objectives for water services in Ireland.
Nine key deliverables
Uisce Éireann is committed to nine key deliverables as part of this business plan. Together these deliverables are designed to address the challenges that are set out in the earlier sections of this plan and seek, over the timeframe of this plan, to deliver fit for purpose water services. This would allow Uisce Éireann meet the environmental, economic and social needs of Ireland and position the company to grow and prosper as a 100% Irish company, owned by the people of Ireland and operating in the best interests of Ireland.
- Establish the highest health and safety standards
- Implement a €5.5 billion capital investment programme
- Deliver capital efficiency savings of €500 million
- Evolve Uisce Éireann into a high performing utility
- Transform the water services operating model
- Deliver operating cost savings of €1.1 billion
- Achieve best practice customer service
- Put Uisce Éireann on a solid commercial footing
- Support economic growth in line with economic and spatial planning policy