National Disinfection Programme
A national programme of works to improve the quality of drinking water across the country
About this Project
We're investing €65 million to upgrade and standardise disinfection systems across the country. The programme involves over 864 water treatment plants, pumping stations, and reservoirs.
Delivering clean, safe drinking water is our top priority. Disinfection is an important part of the water treatment process. The disinfection progress kills disease-causing organisms in water.
Chlorine is the most commonly used disinfectant in Ireland. It's first added to the water treatment plant. For larger networks, it may need to be added again at reservoirs or pumping stations. This makes sure that the right level of chlorine is maintained.
A programme of works is now underway to improve disinfection systems across Ireland.
What is involved?
We're currently planning improvement works for water treatment plants throughout the country. To date, we've already upgraded over 257 sites. The project is split into two phases.

Phase 1: Assess the water treatment plant
First we assess the condition and performance of the existing disinfection system. This is how we determine what works are needed to be undertaken to improve these water treatment plants.

Phase 2: Complete upgrade works
Works can include upgrades to: chemical storage and dosing infrastructure, ultraviolet disinfection systems, monitoring systems and/or process alarms.
National Works
We're upgrading 864 water treatment plants, pumping stations and reservoirs nationwide as part of this programme. Explore the works taking place in your county.
What are the Benefits
The upgrades undertaken as part of this programme will:
- Improve drinking water quality
- Future proof the security of supplies
- Improve disinfection systems and standards
- Allow better control of the systems at the plants
- Ensure compliance with regulations
- Reduce the risk of Boil Water Notices or THM formation