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Ramelton, Milford and Rathmullan Sewerage Scheme

Wastewater Project

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Donegal County Council, is upgrading the wastewater network infrastructure in Ramelton, Milford & Rathmullan.

When completed, this project will reduce the risk of sewer flooding and address non-compliant sewer overflows into the Maggy’s Burn, Fawninoughan Stream, Carn Low, Rossreagh, Glenalla, Craigmaddyroe Far, Carraleena, Crevary Lower, Mill Brook, Ramelton & Lough Swilly.

It will also improve the capacity of the sewer network allowing for current and future population growth, and supporting the social and economic development of Ramelton, Milford & Rathmullan and the surrounding area.

These works will ensure the treatment of wastewater is fully compliant with EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directives and Wastewater Discharge License Emission Limit Values and will eliminate all non-compliant combined sewer overflows within the area.

Murphy Ireland will carry out the works on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

In progress
Ramelton, Milford and Rathmullan Sewerage Scheme

Ramelton, Milford and Rathmullan Sewerage Scheme


  • Improved water quality in Leannan Estuary and Lough Swilly. This will remove the risk to the protected areas within Lough Swilly, including the Special Areas of Conservation (SACs), Special Protection Area (SPA), shellfish waters and designated bathing waters, including Rathmullan Beach.
  • Removal of the discharge of inadequately treated sewage into Maggie's Burn will improve the water quality. It will also remove the risk to water quality in the downstream catchment of Lough Fern and the Leannan Estuary.
  • Cleaner water will enhance the areas amenity value, particularly in Rathmullan which will contribute towards restoring the Blue Flag status of Rathmullan Beach.
  • This project will improve water quality and potentially salmon spawning in Maggie's Burn which is a designated Salmonid Water.
  • The new pumping stations and wastewater treatment plant have all been designed to accommodate an increase in the local population supporting future growth in each of the three towns.
  • The project will ensure that the water quality standards set down by regulatory bodies such as the Environmental Protection Agency will be achieved

What is involved?

  • Construction of a wastewater treatment plant that will serve a population equivalent of approximately 5,500.
  • Decommissioning of the current underperforming plant in Milford, construction of a new pumping station at Milford and rising main to bring wastewater to the new plant.
  • Construction of two pumping stations at Ramelton and Rathmullan along with a rising mains that will transfer wastewater to the new plant.
  • Construction of a local pumping station in Rathmullan to transfer network flows to the new main pumping station in Rathmullan.
  • Construction of a new outfall pipe from the new wastewater treatment plant that will safely discharge treated wastewater into Swilly Estuary.
  • Decommissioning of two septic tanks in Rathmullan.

Works in Ramelton:

Start DateDurationPlanned Works  Traffic Management
06 January 20258 weeksRC & Stone facing works on the new 
boundary wall at the pumping station and 
associated services at the site.
Traffic management.

Works in Rathmullan:

Start DateDurationPlanned Works  Traffic Management
10 March 20258 weeksSnagging works on rising main and installation of marker posts.Stop/Go/ Traffic Light system in operation during working hours, road fully operational at all other times.

Works in Tirroddy:

Start DateDurationPlanned Works  Traffic Management
04 December 2024OngoingVariation of mechanical and civil works throughout the site.
No traffic management.

The Ramelton, Milford and Rathmullan Sewerage Scheme is carried out by Murphy Group on behalf of Uisce Éireann.

More information

For further information you can contact the Project Team at

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