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North City Arterial Main (NCAM)

Water Supply Project

Uisce Éireann is progressing plans to replace a strategic trunkmain servicing the northern area of Dublin City.

Uisce Éireann plans to install 5.5km of strategic trunkmain in the Clontarf area of Dublin City and neighbouring Fingal area as part of the North City Arterial Main (NCAM) project.

Uisce Éireann previously constructed 2.2km of trunkmain in 2016 as part an initial phase of the project between Fairview Park and Clontarf. This project is a continuation of those works carried out in 2016 and is principally between Clontarf and Bayside.

Once complete, the NCAM will be a critical piece of infrastructure for cross city water transfers between reservoirs in Ballymore Eustace/ Vartry and Leixlip.

This project will involve the construction of two separate trunkmains at the following locations:

  • Clontarf Road between Hollybrook Road and The Woodenbridge
  • James Larkin Road/Dublin Road between Causeway Road and Bayside Boulevard South Junction, including Kilbarrack Road.

These new trunkmains will be connected with existing mains between Fairview Park and Hollybrook Road and the Woodenbridge and Causeway Road to complete the NCAM scheme.

NCAM Map Update

In progress

Why is this project needed?

This project is critical to ensuring a secure and reliable drinking water supply to homes and businesses in the Clontarf and Fingal areas of North Dublin City. Completion of the remaining phases of the North City Arterial Main will provide network resilience by connecting the City Centre and Cookstown/Ballymore Eustace supply to the North Fringe Water Supply Scheme at Baldoyle.

When complete, this project will support social and economic growth in Dublin inner-city, including the delivery of new housing. The new infrastructure will reduce the risk of interruption to an estimated 29,000 properties.

What's happening now and next?

This project is in the design phase. Site Investigation works are scheduled to commence along the promenade on the Clontarf Road, on Monday, 26 August and last for approximately 2-3 weeks. To safely facilitate these works, traffic management will be in place, in the form of 2 way stop and go systems and lane narrow systems.

Following the completion of works in the promenade, works on the James Larkin Road will commence. These works will also have traffic management in place and works are expected to last for approx. 2 months. 

Uisce Éireann will endeavour to keep all stakeholders updated as the project progresses towards the construction stage.

More information

Residents and Businesses along the route of the planned improvement works will be communicated with directly and through a variety of  channels to ensure they are kept up to date as the project progresses.

Details of any supply interruptions associated with this project will be updated on the Water Supply Updates section of the Uisce Eireann website.

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