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Kingscourt Water Supply Scheme

Water Supply Project

This €3 million project included a modern water treatment plant capable of serving the existing and future residential and commercial needs of Kingscourt and the surrounding rural areas.

The 3,000 customers supplied by the Kingscourt Water Supply are enjoying a clean and secure supply following these upgrade works which have led to its removal from the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Remedial Action List (RAL). The EPA published its latest RAL in August 2018 and there are now no Cavan schemes on the list.

€3 million
Inside a water treatment plant


  • Improved security of water supply
  • Improved efficiency of the facility


  • Construction of a new water treatment plant
  • A new storage reservoir at the existing Kingscourt Water Treatment Plant site
  • An off-site well at Descart, Co. Monaghan

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