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Dunmore East Water Mains Replacement

National Leakage Reduction Programme

Uisce Éireann, in partnership with Waterford City & County Council, is replacing ageing water mains in Dunmore East to improve security of supply and reduce high levels of leakage.

The works involve the replacement of approximately 2.2 kilometres of problematic water mains with high density polyethylene (plastic) pipes. These works are being carried out as part of Uisce Éireann's national Leakage Reduction Programme. These works will allow improved flow of water to the area securing supply and improving pressure for local residents in Creadan, Dunmore East. The section of works will take place in the following townlands north of the village of Dunmore East:

  • Killea
  • Auskurra Beg
  • Glebe
  • Creadan
  • Killawlan

The works will also involve laying new water service connections from the public water main in the road to customers' property boundaries and connecting it to the customers' water supply.

The works will be carried out on behalf of Uisce Éireann by Coffey Northumbrian Ltd and are expected to be completed by mid December 2018.

Leakage reduction


A Reliable Water Supply

  • Replacing the old water mains with new water mains and service connections will reduce the instances of bursts and water outages and will ensure a reliable supply of water to customers in the area

Reduced Leaks

  • Replacement of old water mains and service connections in poor condition will eliminate existing leaks and reduce the amount of clean drinking water lost into the ground

Improved Operation and Maintenance

  • These works will deliver cost savings by providing improved water network operation that will require less maintenance in the future

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