Castlecomer, Urlingford & Stoneyford Wastewater Treatment Plants
Wastewater Project
This €3.7 million project was needed to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plants at Castlecomer, Urlingford, and Stoneyford and the construction of a new pumping station at Castlecomer to serve approximately 4,600 Population Equivalent (PE). The upgraded plants have improved and protected the watercourses that receive treated effluent and ensure that treated wastewater complies with EPA standards and regulations.
Prior to the completion of this project, treatment of wastewater at these plants serving the areas did not meet the required environmental standards. This resulted in treated wastewater being discharged into the River Barrow and River Nore SAC (Special Area of Conservation). Untreated stormwater overflows were also discharged to the rivers during periods of high rainfall. The opening of these plants helped to end this practice, leading to significant improvement in water quality, bringing benefits for everyone in the county.