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Ballyboden Treated Water Storage Project

Water Supply Project

This €10.5 million project involved the upgrade of the Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant.

The original Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant is located within a 25 acre site situated on Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16. Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant supplies treated water to customers in Dublin City, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown and South Dublin County. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a direction under the Drinking Water Regulations to cease the uncovered storage of treated drinking water at Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant. Open treated water storage can give rise to re-contamination of water following treatment, which presents risks to supply to customers in the Dublin Region.

€10.5 million
Construction at Ballyboden water treatment plant


  • Secured future water supply
  • Improved drinking water quality
  • Allowed for population growth in the area


  • Construction of a 16 million litres covered concrete reservoir for storage of treated water
  • Upgrade of existing disinfection process
  • Decommissioning of existing open storage while maintaining existing reservoir embankments

To find out more about the upgrade of the Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant, click here.

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