Baile na nGall Sewer Network Upgrade
Wastewater Project
Uisce Éireann commence upgrade to the wastewater network and stormwater treatment system in Baile na nGall, Co. Waterford.
Uisce Éireann, has commenced works to upgrade the sewer network in Baile na nGall, in the Gaeltacht na nDéise, Co. Waterford. With site inspection works completed construction began in early 2025. David Walsh Civil Engineering Ltd. has been appointed to deliver these works on behalf of Uisce Éireann.
The current sewer infrastructure in the village is inadequate and upgrades are required to ensure wastewater discharges meet environmental compliance regulations. Once completed, this €8 million project will improve water quality in Dungarvan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and benefit homes and businesses in Baile na nGall and the surrounding area.

Construction of storm water storage tank, Baile na nGall

Baile na nGall Sewer Upgrade - Overview of works
What is involved as part of this project?
As part of the project, Uisce Éireann will:
- Upgrade the existing pumping station in An Mota.
- Construct two new pumping stations.
- Upgrade approximately 3km of sewer pipelines.
- Provide additional storm water storage.
What are the benefits of this project?
The upgrade works carried out as part of this project will:
- Improve the performance level of the sewer network.
- Significantly reduce overflows into Dungarvan Bay.
- Improve water quality in the Dungarvan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
- Ensure environmental compliance with national and EU wastewater regulations.
- Benefit the local community within the designated shellfish waters for oyster production.
What are the next steps?
- Works adjacent to the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant, will begin in January 2025. This will impact the viewing layby which will be closed for the duration of construction.
- Commencement of works at An Mota to upgrade the existing pumping station. This will necessitate some shared use of the road but the impact will be minimal.
- Pipeline works to upgrade the 3km of sewer pipeline are estimated to begin April 2025.
- The project is due for completion in the spring of 2026.
Further information
Traffic management will be required throughout construction in order to deliver these essential wastewater upgrades for the community in Baile na nGall. Work areas will be limited to short sections to minimise impacts locally. A Stop and Go one-lane system will be in place for pipelaying works along public roads and intermittent road closures may be required to deliver the works safely and efficiently in certain areas. Diversions, if required, will be communicated locally, however, local and emergency access will always be maintained.
We will endeavour to engage directly with impacted stakeholders as the project progresses.