Investment in water conservation saves Westport Hotel €10,914 per year
An analysis of water usage was carried out throughout the property and an 18 month plan was drawn up to reduce water consumption. This plan tackled all areas with mains water consumption, particularly bedrooms, public toilets and the leisure centre
- All taps were fitted with aerators which reduced water flow from 8.5 litres per minute to 5.5 litres per minute
- Toilet cisterns were adjusted from a flush of 6.5 litres to 5 litres
- All taps in public toilets were replaced with automatic push taps
- Urinal flushes were adjusted from 1 every hour to 1 every 2 ½ hours
- A carbon filter and flocculent dosing system was installed in the plant room for chemical dosing of the pool water, reducing the number of times required to back wash the pool
- A harvesting tank was installed to service the public toilets, collecting 250,000 litres of rainwater per year

The hotel has reduced its annual water consumption by 4,800 m³ per year (28%), reducing its water bill by €10,914 per year.