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Water In is Not Equal to Water Out (WIWO)

In certain circumstances the amount of water supplied by Uisce Éireann to a customer's premises can vary from the amount of wastewater discharged to the public sewer.

Why are there variations in the volume of water supplied and wastewater returned to the sewer?

There are various reasons why the amount of water supplied by Uisce Éireann to a customer's premises can vary from the amount of wastewater discharged to the public sewer. Listed below are some common examples where the amount of water supplied might vary from the amount of wastewater discharged to the public sewer:

  1. Grounds irrigation;
  2. Water used in products;
  3. Water loss by evaporation;
  4. Where wastewater may be tankered offsite and not returned to sewer;
  5. Alternative treatment of wastewater onsite such as a septic tank.

How do I get a Water in not equal to Water Out variation?

Under legislation the amount of wastewater discharged from a premises is deemed to be equal to the amount of water supplied to the premises, unless Uisce Éireann and the customer agree otherwise. You can complete a water in is not equal to water out  application form and, in so doing, seek Uisce Éireann's agreement that the amount of wastewater discharged from the premises is different to the amount of water supplied to that premises. This form must be completed to provide Uisce Éireann with adequate information and appropriate evidence to enable Uisce Éireann to assess the application and consider whether entry into an agreement might be appropriate.

In order to make a valid application, you must have no outstanding arrears on your account before submitting an application. Once this has been verified, the application will be processed and a detailed assessment will be carried out. No water in is not equal to water out agreement will exist between you and Uisce Éireann until such time as a written agreement is entered into.


All applications will vary and each one will be assessed on its own merits. In processing an application, Uisce Éireann will apply assessment criteria, including a requirement that the difference between water supplied and wastewater discharged is greater than 15%. This threshold will enable Uisce Éireann to efficiently process priority applications in the initial phase of operation.  Uisce Éireann will keep this threshold under review as further information is gathered over the coming year.

Note: The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) approved on 3rd July 2024 the framework for setting harmonised national trade effluent charges. A further consultation is required  to set the trade effluent charges effective under this framework and once approved they will be implemented on 1st October 2026.  Uisce Éireann will not enter into a water in is not equal to water out agreement with a customer who has or whom Uisce Éireann considers ought to have, a trade effluent discharge authorisation [1] until the new trade effluent charges are implemented.

[1] "Trade Effluent Discharge Authorisation" means a licence or consent issued by Uisce Éireann under Section 16 of the Local Government (Water Pollution) Act, 1977, as amended, or a consent issued by Uisce Éireann under Section 99(e) of the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992, or Section 52 of the Waste Management Act 1996, as amended.

Key information on the application for water in is not equal to water out:

Uisce Éireann is under no obligation to offer to enter into an agreement with any customer. If Uisce Éireann decides to offer to enter into a water in is not equal to water out agreement with you the following should be noted:

  1. You must enter into a written water in is not equal to water out agreement with Uisce Éireann which records the terms of the agreement that have been reached. Until such time there is no agreement.
  2. The applicable water in is not equal to water out variation to your bill will only come into effect from the date of the agreement being signed (and will not be applied retrospectively).
  3. Where an agreement has been made with an applicant who is on a non-domestic transition tariff, the amount of the water in is not equal to water out variation that applies will be reduced by the same % as the % difference between the transition tariff and the enduring tariff that would otherwise apply if there was no transition tariff.  

Next Steps:

To make an application see the steps below:

  1. Please download the WIWO application form from the below link.
  2. Before completing the form, please review all information on the Uisce Éireann website and application form.
  3. Once complete, return to for assessment. In certain circumstances we may request further information, and/or a site visit may be required.
  4. If applicable to your business, a trade effluent licence may be required. Uisce Éireann will advise you of this at the earliest opportunity after receiving your application. For further information on trade effluent click here.
  5. Once the assessment is completed Uisce Éireann will inform you of the outcome of the assessment.

All enquiries are to be sent to

WIWO Application Form

All enquiries are to be sent to